In the time since my last post, the third season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has premiered and aired seven episodes so far. This is the part where I do a quick review of each of them:
- The Crystal Empire: I wasn't exactly thrilled with this episode, honestly. It wasn't bad by any means, but it was definitely the weakest two-part to date. I enjoyed the "Crystal Fair" song. One thing I don't get, though, is everypony saying that King Sombra was a horrible character. Yes, there wasn't that much development, and he didn't get that many lines, but to me his silence made him all the more sinister.
- Too Many Pinkie Pies: Maybe it's just that I'm not a huge fan of Pinkie Pie herself, but I didn't care for this one all that much. Every other Pinkie episode has been better than this one. Hasbro, I am disappoint.
- One Bad Apple: LOVED this episode! It most certainly had the best song so far, plus I found Babs to be a really cool character.
- Magic Duel: I'll come right out and say it: I don't get why people like Trixie so much. Both this episode and "Boast Busters" rank near the bottom of my favorite episodes. Trixie's a horrible character; she has all the egotism and bravado of Rainbow Dash, with none of the endearing qualities that make Dashie so likable.
- Sleepless in Ponyville: This was such a good episode. Scootaloo finally got her own episode, plus we found out that Luna can enter dreams. How is that not awesome?
- Wonderbolts Academy: I'm a total Rainbow Dash fanatic, and this episode did not disappoint. Lightning Dust was cool (better than Trixie anyway), and I'll admit to getting a little choked up when I thought Rainbow Dash was really giving up on her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt.