December 20, 2012

Season 3 Impressions So Far...

I just realized that I hadn't updated this thing in over a month. Holy shit, time flies.

In the time since my last post, the third season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has premiered and aired seven episodes so far. This is the part where I do a quick review of each of them:

  1. The Crystal Empire: I wasn't exactly thrilled with this episode, honestly. It wasn't bad by any means, but it was definitely the weakest two-part to date. I enjoyed the "Crystal Fair" song. One thing I don't get, though, is everypony saying that King Sombra was a horrible character. Yes, there wasn't that much development, and he didn't get that many lines, but to me his silence made him all the more sinister.
  2. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Maybe it's just that I'm not a huge fan of Pinkie Pie herself, but I didn't care for this one all that much. Every other Pinkie episode has been better than this one. Hasbro, I am disappoint.
  3. One Bad Apple: LOVED this episode! It most certainly had the best song so far, plus I found Babs to be a really cool character.
  4. Magic Duel: I'll come right out and say it: I don't get why people like Trixie so much. Both this episode and "Boast Busters" rank near the bottom of my favorite episodes. Trixie's a horrible character; she has all the egotism and bravado of Rainbow Dash, with none of the endearing qualities that make Dashie so likable.
  5. Sleepless in Ponyville: This was such a good episode. Scootaloo finally got her own episode, plus we found out that Luna can enter dreams. How is that not awesome?
  6. Wonderbolts Academy: I'm a total Rainbow Dash fanatic, and this episode did not disappoint. Lightning Dust was cool (better than Trixie anyway), and I'll admit to getting a little choked up when I thought Rainbow Dash was really giving up on her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt. 
I wait with anticipation for "Spike at Your Service".

November 15, 2012


This is just me ranting, but am I the only one who enjoyed the episode The Secret of My Excess? I see lots of people around the Interwebz saying that it's their least favorite episode, and I just don't get it.

I am a Spike/Rarity ship supporter, so that might have something to do with it, what with their tender moment at the end and all, but even fans who hate that ship should find at least some redeeming quality in the episode. I, for one, think that it gives great insight into who Spike is as a character, with the revelation of his natural susceptibility to greed. The way his avarice makes him grow larger and more savage was interesting, at least in my mind.

Just sayin', the hate this episode receives is baffling to me.

November 9, 2012


Rainbow Dash is best pony. I am also madly in love with her. 

I saw a post on /mlp a couple of days ago that read: "Your favorite pony says she loves you. What do you do?" This gave rise to all kinds of feelings inside me, mostly loneliness. Just saying, being enamored with a cartoon horse is not an easy life.

Cutest Dashie picture I've ever seen.

October 27, 2012

Shipping Opinions #6: AppleDash

A lot of people would say that AppleDash has been done to death, and they would be right. As pervasive as this pairing is, I can't help but like it.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash are the most competitive of ponies, and that includes with each other. Being so competitive, I imagine a relationship between the two would be filled with lots of ups and downs (like any relationship, I suppose, but even more so), and more than its fair share of fights. But even as the two argue with each other, they would be deeply in love.

Another aspect of their personalities that makes me think this pairing would work is the way Applejack's down-to-earth ways keep Rainbow's egotism in check. A lot of AppleDash shippers love the episode "Fall Weather Friends", and I am no exception. I feel like it's a good example of the two things I've mentioned here, both their competitiveness and the way AJ can cut RD down to size when she needs it.

October 11, 2012

Fanfiction Recommendation

I feel like a little microcosm of Equestria Daily doing this, but here it goes. This story is a little on the long side for a one-shot, but so hilarious that it seems to fly by. It's seriously what I would call a "hidden gem", and I think it needs more love. Don't worry, it's not my own. (Mine are here.)

"All's Mare in Love and War"

October 7, 2012

I Had A Dream

So, last night I had my first-ever MLP-related dream (that I can remember, anyway).

The plot ran something like this. I'm in Equestria for some reason. I meet the Mane 6. Rainbow Dash and I end up falling in love, and she asks Twilight to make her a human so she can be with me.

Then, I woke up. Real life sucks.

September 29, 2012

Shipping Opinions #5: FlutterPie

The ever-so-rare, yet ever-so-sweet pairing of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie is one of my favorites.

I'm honestly surprised that this isn't one of the more common ships within the fandom, because all the pieces are there for what could be a very cute relationship. Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness, and Pinkie Pie, Laughter, seem to go hand-in-hand (hoof-in-hoof?). Both of them want to make other ponies happy, they just have different methods to achieve the same result.

Furthermore, it does seem as though Pinkie takes special consideration for Fluttershy's feelings. If one watches the episode "Griffon the Brush-Off", one sees that Pinkie Pie doesn't want to pull pranks on her shy friend because she knows Fluttershy couldn't handle it.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie definitely deserve more shipping love.

September 15, 2012

Shipping Opinions #4: TwiMac (and FlutterMac)

I can't help but love this pairing. Twilight is so adorably dorky, and Big Macintosh is kind, quiet, and hard-working. To me, they seem as if they were almost made for each other.

I know lots of people prefer to ship Fluttershy and Big Mac, but, in my mind, it doesn't really work. They're both too shy to approach one another, and I have a feeling that a date between these two would be filled with lots of blushing and awkward silences.

Twilight, on the other hand, is somewhat introverted and bookish, but still outgoing enough to get Big Mac to come out of his shell. Another thing that would draw them together is that they're both really passionate about what they do. Twilight works just as hard at her studies and Mac does at his farming. I just find this to be an incredibly cute couple.

September 4, 2012

My Favorite PMV

This is completely random and stupid, but I must say that the PMV I found for the song "I'm Awesome" by Spose is one of the greatest things I've ever seen.

September 3, 2012

Shipping Opinions #3: RariDash

Somehow, this ship has become my new favorite thing. If you asked me a few weeks ago, I would have been disgusted, but it's grown on me. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but that's the way it is.

I think Rarity and Rainbow Dash are kindred spirits in a way. Both put up a facade of confidence, but underneath it all, they're both very insecure. Proof of Rarity's insecurity: Suited For Success and Sweet and Elite. Proof for Rainbow Dash: Sonic Rainboom and The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. 

Speaking of Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow saves Rarity's life at the end. You can't tell me that didn't change their relationship on some level.

So, yeah, I like it!

September 2, 2012

Shipping Opinions #2: Pinkie Pie/Rainbow Dash

I'll be honest. I really, really hate this pairing. I can see why people like to ship them, especially after Griffon the Brush-Off, but to me Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash have more of a bromance. Or whatever the female equivalent of bromance is. Yeah, that.

The dynamic between Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash puts me in mind of a show from my childhood. That's right, Kenan and Kel. Those two were such good friends, and I think Rainbow and Pinkie have a similar relationship.

August 12, 2012

Shipping Opinions #1: Sparity

This is my absolute favorite pairing because it's the only one that's even remotely canon. Spike has a crush on Rarity, and he has been friendzoned hard. I can't help but root for him.

It goes beyond that, though. Rarity is the Element of Generosity, and Spike is a dragon. Dragons are prone to greed, so Rarity would be good for him. I think this was proven in The Secret Of My Excess. 

So yes, I support this. Deal with it.