October 27, 2012

Shipping Opinions #6: AppleDash

A lot of people would say that AppleDash has been done to death, and they would be right. As pervasive as this pairing is, I can't help but like it.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash are the most competitive of ponies, and that includes with each other. Being so competitive, I imagine a relationship between the two would be filled with lots of ups and downs (like any relationship, I suppose, but even more so), and more than its fair share of fights. But even as the two argue with each other, they would be deeply in love.

Another aspect of their personalities that makes me think this pairing would work is the way Applejack's down-to-earth ways keep Rainbow's egotism in check. A lot of AppleDash shippers love the episode "Fall Weather Friends", and I am no exception. I feel like it's a good example of the two things I've mentioned here, both their competitiveness and the way AJ can cut RD down to size when she needs it.

October 11, 2012

Fanfiction Recommendation

I feel like a little microcosm of Equestria Daily doing this, but here it goes. This story is a little on the long side for a one-shot, but so hilarious that it seems to fly by. It's seriously what I would call a "hidden gem", and I think it needs more love. Don't worry, it's not my own. (Mine are here.)

"All's Mare in Love and War"

October 7, 2012

I Had A Dream

So, last night I had my first-ever MLP-related dream (that I can remember, anyway).

The plot ran something like this. I'm in Equestria for some reason. I meet the Mane 6. Rainbow Dash and I end up falling in love, and she asks Twilight to make her a human so she can be with me.

Then, I woke up. Real life sucks.