November 15, 2012


This is just me ranting, but am I the only one who enjoyed the episode The Secret of My Excess? I see lots of people around the Interwebz saying that it's their least favorite episode, and I just don't get it.

I am a Spike/Rarity ship supporter, so that might have something to do with it, what with their tender moment at the end and all, but even fans who hate that ship should find at least some redeeming quality in the episode. I, for one, think that it gives great insight into who Spike is as a character, with the revelation of his natural susceptibility to greed. The way his avarice makes him grow larger and more savage was interesting, at least in my mind.

Just sayin', the hate this episode receives is baffling to me.

November 9, 2012


Rainbow Dash is best pony. I am also madly in love with her. 

I saw a post on /mlp a couple of days ago that read: "Your favorite pony says she loves you. What do you do?" This gave rise to all kinds of feelings inside me, mostly loneliness. Just saying, being enamored with a cartoon horse is not an easy life.

Cutest Dashie picture I've ever seen.