December 20, 2012

Season 3 Impressions So Far...

I just realized that I hadn't updated this thing in over a month. Holy shit, time flies.

In the time since my last post, the third season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has premiered and aired seven episodes so far. This is the part where I do a quick review of each of them:

  1. The Crystal Empire: I wasn't exactly thrilled with this episode, honestly. It wasn't bad by any means, but it was definitely the weakest two-part to date. I enjoyed the "Crystal Fair" song. One thing I don't get, though, is everypony saying that King Sombra was a horrible character. Yes, there wasn't that much development, and he didn't get that many lines, but to me his silence made him all the more sinister.
  2. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Maybe it's just that I'm not a huge fan of Pinkie Pie herself, but I didn't care for this one all that much. Every other Pinkie episode has been better than this one. Hasbro, I am disappoint.
  3. One Bad Apple: LOVED this episode! It most certainly had the best song so far, plus I found Babs to be a really cool character.
  4. Magic Duel: I'll come right out and say it: I don't get why people like Trixie so much. Both this episode and "Boast Busters" rank near the bottom of my favorite episodes. Trixie's a horrible character; she has all the egotism and bravado of Rainbow Dash, with none of the endearing qualities that make Dashie so likable.
  5. Sleepless in Ponyville: This was such a good episode. Scootaloo finally got her own episode, plus we found out that Luna can enter dreams. How is that not awesome?
  6. Wonderbolts Academy: I'm a total Rainbow Dash fanatic, and this episode did not disappoint. Lightning Dust was cool (better than Trixie anyway), and I'll admit to getting a little choked up when I thought Rainbow Dash was really giving up on her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt. 
I wait with anticipation for "Spike at Your Service".